Life is such a spectacular journey, every moment is unique that should be preserved and remembered.
When time passes, we would forget how delicious the cuisine is, but remember the feelings it made the day.
Arts, exhibitions, experiences, we all have tried and seen many things, the same thing we experienced, however, we might make the extremely different conclusions. These are the descriptions that I saw, I felt, I was touched.
英國維多利亞與亞伯特博物館(Victoria & Albert Museum,V&A)策展的Mary Quant特展 影響1960年代時尚圈甚鉅的關鍵人物 來自倫敦的她 被評論為與Chanel和Dior是時尚圈天時地利人和的Fashion Icon 撼動了整個社會的審美觀
令人期待好久的"會動"的文藝復興展覽 等到快結束的前半個月才來觀展 他到底有沒有對得起 砸下這麼多金子打廣告呢? 讓我們看下去......
之前去捷克錯過的慕夏畫展 這次在中正紀念堂舉辦 是絕對不能錯過的吧!
於2022/01/01在中正紀念堂開始的達利(Salvador Dali)特展, 這次很厲害的除了從西班牙搬運真跡來台以外, 還有神曲系列的版畫,帶你遊歷地獄(Inferno)、煉獄 (Purgatorio) 和天堂 (Paradiso)。 超現實主義的達利,不同時期用不同的心理心境、角度、技術和藝術潮流, 去描繪出一幅幅畫,說是畫圖,某種程度上或許是用圖畫去傳達文字所不能及的意象。